How hospitals sub-optimise doctor branding and miss opportunity to influence patients, improve search and generate more appointments
How hospitals sub-optimise doctor branding and miss opportunity to influence patients, improve search and generate more appointments
How hospitals sub-optimise doctor branding and miss opportunity to influence patients, improve search and generate more appointments
Hybrid space is by no means new to hospitality—look no further than the proliferation of co-working and co-living spaces for assurances to this. Even so, the pandemic has catalysed its adoption, driving a fundamental change in the way we use and relate to space.
Creative concepts can transform the dullest spaces into remarkable guest journeys, writes QUO Chief Branding Officer Catherine Monthienvichienchai.
Google Maps told me I’d arrived, but I wasn’t so sure. In front of me was a store, long since closed for the day. Beyond that, a dimly lit street with barely...
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